Ready to restart your business? Taking a break from your business doesn’t mean you’ve failed, it means you’re honouring your needs or your families needs. That’s worth celebrating in my eyes, not something to stress over!
What to do if you’re feeling guilty, doubting yourself or feeling overwhelmed?
I understand that you’re feeling guilty, you’re maybe doubting whether you should have even taken a break in the first place and pushed through. You might even be overwhelmed at the thought of going back to your business again, not knowing where to start. Honestly, all this is normal and something I have dealt with myself after taking over month and a half off my business for the first time in nearly 10 years.
One thing I have realised during my time away is that you need to ditch the guilt. The guilt isn’t helping you, or anyone else. It’s taking away from the reason why you took that break in the first place. And coming back to your business after that break is a sign of resilience, not weakness.
You realise how easy it is to just decide to give up and not bother going back to your business at all? It’s extremely easy, even when your business is your passion and purpose, because going back is scary as fuck. So ditch the guilt, whilst you’re away and realise just how resilient you are for even thinking about going back to it again.
Now you’re thinking about going back to your business again, remember to focus on what’s next, don’t worry so much about what you missed whilst you were away, start planning and focusing on what comes next, what do you need to do next and go from there.
Restarting isn’t about catching up with everything you feel like you’ve missed. You don’t need to do any of that, you need to realign again to what you want to do and where you want your business to go.
Remember, you are exactly where you need to be.
Reflect and Realign
Start to look at where you left off before your break, not to go back and continue from there, but to ask yourself:
- What is still signed to my goals,
- What can you let go of,
- Do you have any new goals?
What you’re doing is checking in with your goals, seeing what needs to change and see if there is anything you want to let go off. You’re doing this to realign, but also to avoid burnout. You don’t want to jump in and try and catch up with all the tasks you missed out on as though nothing happened, all that will do is stress you out and burn you out.
Set Small Clear Goals
When thinking about your goals panicking about how you are going to archive them easy to do. When you’re ready to start back work again, focus on one thing at a time. What’s your goal right now, and what task can you do that will help you get closer to that goal?
Don’t work too many hours
Make sure you are not doing all the hours that exist working on your business and make some time to rest too, there is nothing like trying to do every task you missed out on and working 18 hour days to burn you out, let’s try and avoid that.
Reconnect with your audience
One thing I am doing since restarting my business, after doing all the above is to be honest and real. I started to connect with people again, post about being back and being ready to help, and share in my stories again and that will continue with posts talking about things I learned whilst I was again, and maybe even telling them the reason why I was away too.
Make a plan of action
Have a plan of action for the next 30 days or so. I have a 12 month plan of action, but you don’t need to go to that extend, 30 to 90 days is more than enough. Have a plan of action that isn’t going to be overwhelming and follow through with it. Think of it like you’re launching a new service, and stick to your plan as much as you can. Choose 3 small goals or intentions you have for your come back and work out what small, actionable steps you can take to hit those goals or intentions and build momentum back again.
Don’t beat yourself up over it
Remember to take care of yourself and give yourself some compassion. Don’t expect everything to fly straight away, it’s going to take time again to build that momentum and that’s okay. Remember you are not trying to be perfect, you’re just taking action and making progress towards your goals whilst you build that momentum back up again.
They say that it takes 90 days of consistent action and work to build the momentum up again, so take time to create that plan that you can stick too, to create the consistency you need to build the momentum again.
Tips to help you take action
Other things you can do to help if you’re feeling stuck on restarting your business and what to do next is:
- Pull some tarot cards for clarity and focus on your next steps to restart your business.
- Meditate and connect with spirit or your higher self and see what guidance comes through.
- Journal on your thoughts, fears, worries and what you can do to help and see what comes up for you
- Find productivity tools to help that are going to make restarting your business les overwhelming for you.
The time is now - start today!
It’s time to take the first step today, don’t delay it anylonger, it only makes it harder. whether that first step is pulling a tarot card, or taking 15 minutes or so to outline your next few steps? The most important thing is to start. Don’ wait for the perfect time, because perfection doesn’t exist. The time is now.
If you want a tarot reading for some extra guidance you can book your reading with me today on this link.
If a reading isn’t for you and you just want to join my brand new community you can find me on Telegram at The Alchemists Sanctum
If you want to start learning how to use tarot for yourself in your business you can download my guild right now, completely free on this link