

5 myths I’ve seen floating around in the tarot, witchcraft and spiritual communities.  These need busting still as many still believe it, and they’re just not true. Let’s get started. 

You can’t buy your own tarot deck

You can’t buy your own tarot deck is actually a myth because you absolutely can buy your own tarot deck.  You do not have to wait until someone gifts you a deck to start reading tarot.

The reason it’s a myth is because when tarot cards first started to be used it was just a card game, and eventually they started to be used for divination, but they weren’t widely printed as they are today.  They were rare and expensive, so people used to gift the decks to people who wanted to learn to read the cards for themselves.  It was also a tradition that decks were to be gifted. 

Today you can absolutely buy your own tarot deck and doing this helps you to choose a deck that you’re personally connected to. 

Go buy your own, they will still work for you and probably will be better for you if you did, the more personally connected to the cards you are, the more likely you will learn them, and use them

You have to wrap the deck in silk and be very careful with it.

You don’t have to store  your tarot deck in any way you don’t want! Traditionally, they would say that you had to wrap your deck in silk because it was a belief that it was for protection, energy and respect.  Silk is believed to have unique properties that shield the deck from negative energies. So wrapping them in silk was consideddd 

If that means you want to wrap them up, then do so, but don’t feel you need to. I agree you should be kind to your cards, but you don’t have to treat them like some fragile glass either, take care of them yes, but don’t be too afraid of giving them proper good shuffle, they will survive and you may get a better reading having a properly shuffle deck too

You have to have a few different decks before you start reading professionally.

You can read professionally with just one.  Just because you see some of us with 20 decks, doesn’t mean you have to do the same! Get to know one deck really well first.  This will help you not only learn tarot effectively using that deck, but connect better with the deck you have. When you have connected to your deck, you will naturally read better for it.

You have to read in a certain way, using only the meanings from the book.

Wrong again, the book won’t tell you everything, it’s a starting point yes, but shouldn’t be relied on. In fact, I suggest reading intuitively, you will get so much more accurate information.  Learn the keywords of the cards by all means, but your intuition will be better than anything else when you’re reading tarot.

You have to do an elaborate cleansing ritual after every use of your tarot deck.

You can if you want to, but it isn’t required at all. Knocking on a deck 3 times and giving it a good shuffle may be good enough to clear the energy and reset the deck for the next reading, as well as closing down from the clients energy and reopening up to your next client.  There is also a blog post I have write about different ways to cleanse your tarot deck you can read right here if you want to know more about cleansing your deck.

What myths have you been told?

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